Jenny's diary


Hamburg Juli 08

Meanwhile, Hamburg feels more like my home.
My every day life includes 3 jobs- I still work in the office in my school but only half time. Thats why I apllied in a different school to work as a vocal teacher. I now have my first 2 students- 12 and 15. I am glad that I can give my knowledge to others- its like a ventile:)
I also work about once a week in a very fancy hotel- its called Kempinsky and I usually take the 7 o' clock shift- i know crazy- waking up at 5 on a saturday. But this way I can go to my dance class- I still try to learn Hip Hop dance to improve my stage appearrance and for fun.
School is getting much better- the difficulties I had in the beginning are getting less- but still the school never stops to push you out of the comfort zone, by singing in front of a bunch of music students who all realized one flat note.
I am very happy about my school band- we are are all in all 5 people. I make my first experiences in not only writing songs but putting them in a band context togehter. I am relieved to have a band trainer and a guy who helps me to put to my lyrics to some chords- working out a melody.
Weekly I take now drum lessons from a drum student- it makes such a difference in understanding music in its context.
In my church I am so happy that we have a band of 6- its getting more there that we play live every week- before we had playback worship- because there where no instrumentalists...Since we have enought singers- well two- I play piano, which is exciting for me since I never did it in that context.
All in all- live goes by fast and I try to take every opportunity to grow in my giftings to be prepared- practicing a lot, going to all kinds of workshops and using gig opportunities.
Considerations are to go to England after these 2 year program which ends in September 09. There is an university in Plymouth where I could make my Bachelor- see what happens.


France 20.- 22. June

The occasion of a friends wedding- his name is Samuel whom I know from the US Bible School- made me go to France with my good friend Nathanja. We got to stay at Charles family house which is in a village called Plaisir. You see him in the picture with his lovely fiance Noemie. He, his 4 siblings and his parents took care of us so well.
The wedding with about 300 people lasted the whole day. First we went to the church, then we celebrated in a huge beautiful garden with snacks, live music and in the evening we went to a commodity another hour away, an experience to drive with about 30 other cars throught the country side of France. On the next day we got to see the castle Versaille- a beautiful place.




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After 10 month, I really feel comfortable in Hamburg. I have people I really like- e.g. my roomamte Lydia- she is so precious, coming with me to all the concerts and supporting in every way.
And also with my friends from school I now get along even more- great to share the passion for music with them.




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Vocal experiences

In my spring break I recorded 2 songs with my School Band- Alive- Rebeccah St James and Fringes- Shane and Shane in a professionel studio with a school called SAE- they are focusing on engineering. It wasa great experience.
On the other day, I was going with my friends to a Jazz Club called "bird land" where they had a vocal session and I sang "I got rhythm"- so much fun.
Lately I got to sing the whole program together with my Dad- He made it possible that I was traveling with him, not just helping him out with backings and setting everthing up but also with doing my own vocal workshop with about 30 people. Amazing to see how something that seemed so far is happening now.




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Fehmarn 1-4. Mai 2008

In the beginning of my May I had the chance to go to Fehmarn- an island in the North of Germany with about 30 other people from my chruch. It was so much fun- doing sport, exploring the island, having fellowship and relaxing.
The greatest for me in this time was an evening where we went to the beach, lighted some torches and where singing worship songs- Gods presence was so strong. I wil never forget that night.




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