Basketball in Plymouth
Da meine Gasteltern große Basketballfans und sogar einen Spieler sponsorn, hatte ich die Ehre zu einem Spiel der Raiders (der Mannschaft von Plymouth) mitzukommen in der größten Halle in Plymouth- der Pavillon, wo regelmäßig auch viele Konzerte stattfinden. Am darauf folgenden Sonntag hatten wir dann zwei von den Spielern zu Gast und es stellte sich heraus, dass sie und ihre Frauen aus den USA kommen, war schön.
Because of my host parents who are bis basketball fans I got to go to a basketball game of the Raiders (team of Plymouth) in the biggest hall iN plymouth- the Pavillon, where a lot of concerts take place as well. My host parents sponsor one of the players so two the basketball players came to our palce with their wifes who all happen to be Americans, we had a good time.
Because of my host parents who are bis basketball fans I got to go to a basketball game of the Raiders (team of Plymouth) in the biggest hall iN plymouth- the Pavillon, where a lot of concerts take place as well. My host parents sponsor one of the players so two the basketball players came to our palce with their wifes who all happen to be Americans, we had a good time.
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