Familientreffen/ Family gathering part 1
Meine süße Cousine Nina beim Familientreffen Wien (väterlicherseits) in Reischenhart. Wenn ich mich nicht täusche, waren wir ca. 40 Familienmitglieder, die sich für ein Wochenende getroffen habe. Leider war der Samstag sehr verregnet- doch die tradtionelle Wandertour
blieb nicht aus. Am Abend wurde gegrillt und wir konnten den großen Garten bei meiner Großtante Elisabeth immerhin in einem Zelt nutzen. Dank I-pad konnte ich einen Familienstammbaum erstellen. Bei so vielen Gesichtern fiel mir die Zuordnung anfangs doch schon sehr schwer- es ist schon lange her
My cute cousin Nina at the family gathering Wien (from my fathers side) in Reischenhart. If I am right- we where about 40 family members who where meeting for a whole weekend. Unfortunately the Saturday was a rainy day- but the traditional hiking tour wasnt missing out. In the evening it was barbeque time and we where able to use the big garden of my great-aunt Elisabeth at least in a tent. Thanks to I-pad- I was able to create a family tree. Expecially in the beginning it was hard for me to assign every face to our family connection- its been a while since the last big gathering.
My cute cousin Nina at the family gathering Wien (from my fathers side) in Reischenhart. If I am right- we where about 40 family members who where meeting for a whole weekend. Unfortunately the Saturday was a rainy day- but the traditional hiking tour wasnt missing out. In the evening it was barbeque time and we where able to use the big garden of my great-aunt Elisabeth at least in a tent. Thanks to I-pad- I was able to create a family tree. Expecially in the beginning it was hard for me to assign every face to our family connection- its been a while since the last big gathering.
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