Record Release Konzert
Am 27. Mai 2011 haben mein Vater und ich unser Record Release Konzert in den Räumen meiner Gemeinde- dem ICF gegeben. Ca. 120 Leute sind zu diesem Ereignis erschienen. Gemeinsam mit einer 5 köpfigen Band haben wir die Songs unseres neuen Albums "Generationen" vorgestellt. Ich war so dankbar, dass viele aus meiner Gemeinde sich bereit erklärt haben mitzuhelfen- wir hatten u.a. ein Videoteam, dass das ganze Konzert mitgeschnitten hat- bald werden die Aufnahmen auf youtube zu sehen sein.
On the 27th of May 2011 my father and I gave our record release concert in the location of my church ICF. About 120 people came to be a part of this event. Together with a band consisting of 5 people we introduced the songs of our new album "Generations". I was so grateful that many people from my church where willing to assist. Amongst others we had a video team that recorded the whole concert- soon they will be intakes on youtube.
On the 27th of May 2011 my father and I gave our record release concert in the location of my church ICF. About 120 people came to be a part of this event. Together with a band consisting of 5 people we introduced the songs of our new album "Generations". I was so grateful that many people from my church where willing to assist. Amongst others we had a video team that recorded the whole concert- soon they will be intakes on youtube.
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