Konzerte in Deutschland- concerts in Germany
Nachdem ich mein weiterführendes Gesangstudium abgeschlossen habe, bin ich nun noch öfter am Wochenende unterwegs mit meinem Vater in deutschen Gemeinden. Wir geben Konzerte und gestalten musikalische Gottesdienste. Hier ein paar Bilder von einem Konzert in Mainz.
Mittlerweile haben wir bestimmt schon 30 Konzerte mit dem Generationenprogramm gegeben. Pro Wochenende sind das dann öfter 3-4 verschiedene Gemeinden, in denen wir auftreten. Nach so einem Wochenende mit langer An-und Abreise ist man echt ko, doch bei jedem Konzert stellt sich mehr und mehr Routine ein.
After I finished my continuative singing study I am now even more often on the way with my father in German churches. We give concerts and do musical services. Here are some pictures of a church in Mainz. Meanwhile we probably gave around 30 concerts with the new "Generations- programe). Per weekend we are many times in 3-4 different churches, in which we are singing and playing. After such a weekend with long journeys we are really ko, but after every concert there comes more routine.
After I finished my continuative singing study I am now even more often on the way with my father in German churches. We give concerts and do musical services. Here are some pictures of a church in Mainz. Meanwhile we probably gave around 30 concerts with the new "Generations- programe). Per weekend we are many times in 3-4 different churches, in which we are singing and playing. After such a weekend with long journeys we are really ko, but after every concert there comes more routine.
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