Sommer 2012 in Husum; Summer 2012
Im August habe ich meine alte Mitbewohnerin Lydia aus Hamburg im windigen Husum besucht, einer Stadt, die an der Nordseeküste liegt. Dort war ich ca. eine Woche und bin beim ausgiebigen Rad fahren nach dem vollem Jahr etwas zur Ruhe gekommen- ein schöner Ort.
In August I visited my old roommate Lydia from Hamburg in the windy Husum. Husum is a city that is located at the coast of the Nothern Sea in Germany. I was there for about a week. I cycled a lot and got a little rest from the busy year- bautiful place to calm down.
In August I visited my old roommate Lydia from Hamburg in the windy Husum. Husum is a city that is located at the coast of the Nothern Sea in Germany. I was there for about a week. I cycled a lot and got a little rest from the busy year- bautiful place to calm down.

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