ICF Konferenz
Im Mai 2013 sind wir als 30-köpfige Gruppe nach Zürich gefahren, um dort Teil der alljährlichen Konferenz zu sein und gemeinsam mit Tausenden von Christen unseren Glauben zu feiern.
In May we went as a group of about 30 people to an ICF conference in Zurich, Switzerland. We went there to get inspired and to celebrate with a couple of thousand other Christians our faith.
In May we went as a group of about 30 people to an ICF conference in Zurich, Switzerland. We went there to get inspired and to celebrate with a couple of thousand other Christians our faith.
Einer meiner Lieblingssprecher an diesem Wochenende war Bill Hybels, der mich mit seinem Lebenswerk und seiner demütigen Art sehr berührte.
One of my favorite speakers was Bill Hybels. His lifework and his humble way touched me.
One of my favorite speakers was Bill Hybels. His lifework and his humble way touched me.

Meine Mitbewohnerin Moe in der Mitte mit zwei anderen Freunden kurz vor Beginn.
My roommate Moe in the middle with two other friends right at the start.
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