Pool Party
Anlässlich meines 25 Geburtstages und meines Abschiedes in Plymouth entschied ich mich noch eine Party zu schmeißen. Der Garten mit dem Pool eignete sich perfekt und ich kam mir mega gesegnet vor, dass dieser Tag der erste richtig warme Tag in Plymouth war- eine grandiose Party mit viel leckerem Essen, tollen Leuten und mit Planschen im Pool:)
On the occasion of my 25th birthday and my farewell from Plymouth, I decided to throw a party. The garden of the house had a pool so it was more or less made for partys. I felt really blessed that this day was the firt really warm day in Plymouth- a fantastic party with great food, great people (about 30) and a pool ..
On the occasion of my 25th birthday and my farewell from Plymouth, I decided to throw a party. The garden of the house had a pool so it was more or less made for partys. I felt really blessed that this day was the firt really warm day in Plymouth- a fantastic party with great food, great people (about 30) and a pool ..

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