Weihnachtskonzert- Christmas Concert
Jährlich wird in dem Club "Übel und Gefährlich" ein Konzert von meiner Schule aus organisiert, in dem die Schulbands die Möglichkeit haben, Auftrittserfahrungen zu sammeln. Dieses Jahr hatte ich den ersten Auftritt mit meiner Band "Totara"- wir haben 2 selbstgeschriebene Songs aufgeführt- "I wont submit" und "Selah". Der Bandname wurde durch eine Baumart, die ich in Neuseeland entdeckte inspiriert. Schön war, dass mein Vater zu der Zeit zufällig in Hamburg war und dementsprechend beim Konzert dabei sein konnte. Er war in Hamburg um sein neues Album aufzunehmen- eine Zusammenstellung seiner Hits. Ich habe mich geehrt gefühlt auch ein paar der GEsangsphrasen einzusingen.
Annually there is a concert in the club "Übel und Gefährlich" which is organized from my school. The school bands had the chance to perform 2 songs. This year I had my first performance with my Band "Totara" We played two of our own Songs: "Selah" and I wont "submit". The name of the band Totara was inspired by tree kind in New Zealand. It was very nice that my Dad was in Hamburg at this moment, too- so he was able to be at the concert. He was in Hamburg to record for his new CD- a compilation of his best ofs. I felt privileged to sing some vocal parts as well.
Annually there is a concert in the club "Übel und Gefährlich" which is organized from my school. The school bands had the chance to perform 2 songs. This year I had my first performance with my Band "Totara" We played two of our own Songs: "Selah" and I wont "submit". The name of the band Totara was inspired by tree kind in New Zealand. It was very nice that my Dad was in Hamburg at this moment, too- so he was able to be at the concert. He was in Hamburg to record for his new CD- a compilation of his best ofs. I felt privileged to sing some vocal parts as well.
sounds nice my friend!! :-)
Anonym, at 1:02 PM
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